Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Christmas Tradition - Gluehwein

Growing up around German Christmas Markets, a special drink named Gluehwein was a stable, and widely available.
During these cold winter days, a cup of this hot drink warmed hands and insides.

Here is an easy to follow recipe, so you can enjoy Gluehwein yourself!

Fill a cup with red wine (try a heavier variety, but your favorite works fine as well), and put it into a small cup.
Add a cinamon stick, 2-3 cloves and a slice of lemon.
Heat the ingridients - do not bring to a boil!
Let the drink rest for about 2 minutes, then strain.
Add one or more tea-spoons of sugar to taste (originally this drink is served quite sweet!)
Serve in a pre-warmed cup.


You can use orange slices instead of lemon for a little less tart flavor

Have a wonderful day!

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