Friday, December 11, 2009

End of The Year Reflection

End of the Year, time to focus upon possible new years resolutions, making choices that might better our lives. But as most years we already enter those ideals with the thought that they will most likely not last past the first few weeks of the new year.
Maybe it is time to change your intention, maybe it is time to stop making resolutions that are only motivated by the aches and pains, the coughs or the subtle comments of relatives about your weight throughout the holiday season.
Maybe it is the time to make resolutions that will effect more then just yourself, and make decisions that will impact the community, your extended family and if we all start doing something - the world.

Here are some ideas for New Years Resolutions that make a difference:

1. Eat less meat or better yet become a vegetarian.
The consumption of meat, has been linked to a major contribution in the climate crisis, that we are facing. You can make a real difference for your health, and that off our planet by eating less or no meat. Use the Internet for a variety of resources on how to switch to a non-meat diet.

2. Recycle.
If you have not done so on a regular basis, now is the time to start! Now there is a New Years resolution worth sticking to.

3. Walk more.
Walking is not only a good exercise, but as you are now using your car less, you are not participating in the creation of more pollution. It's cheaper then a gym membership, all that is required are good shoes (there you should splurge - get really good walking shoes!)

4. Play more
Playing with your kids, or with the dog, or friends gets you away from the TV (which is especially good if it is not an energy efficient model), and will aid or prevent depression. Activeness, positive playful running or playing or just the connection between friends for a friendly game of poker are a better way to spend your time, then in front of the box. You will feel better about yourself (depending on the friends). If you do not know anyone, join a club or the YMCA, or join in with your spiritual centers activities. (Your spiritual place is lacking activities - become creative and start a club!)

5. Discover regional products and specialties.
Getting to know your regional products and arts programs is not just a fun way to spend time, but by supporting and buying local products you are also reducing your carbon footprint. Buying holiday gifts from local artists or farmers is a great way to show your support for your community, and you are spreading the word for your regional specialities. An all around win, win situation.

Blessed Be!



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