Thursday, February 21, 2008

Food Reviews Time Again! Yummy!

Hi Everyone!

Here we go again! It is time to try out new foods! I had fun experimenting and revisiting old favorites. I hope you will be enjoying this little trip to the grocery store, right along with me!

Keep in mind that the food products featured on this blog have to fall under one or more of the following categories:

1. Indicate that their healthy on their package
2. Are a whole grain product
3. Is an organic product.

Here we go:

  1. All Bran Multigrain Crackers from Kelloggs. 5. Stars! Okay the packaging is not the greatest, looks more like a not to great cereal package, but do not let yourself get sidetracked by that, and go for the stuff inside! It is great! With a slight sweet aftertaste these crackers are a little treasure. And with 5 grams of fiber per serving, you can not beat that snack
  2. "Clearly Organic" Organic Black Beans 15 oz can. 5 Starts! Beans are a must in a healthy kitchen and these canned black beans make it easy to add nutrition to any meal. Do not forget to rinse, though, even if they are already low in sodium (85 mg = 4 %)
  3. Tropicana No Pulp Calcium Orange Juice 5 Stars! You already know that we should have more calcium in our diet, so there is a chance for a great, sweet, tasty way to bring more of that good stuff into your life.
  4. Goldfish Whole Grain Crackers from Pepperidge Farm 4 Stars! Not quite as cheesy as the regular variety but still satisfying! Worth the switch!

Now it is your turn to be adventurous!

Have a wonderful day!

Claudia Blanton

1 comment:

CM said...

That Tropicana with added calcium is such a great idea.